Spring program registration opens on Monday, January 13th, at 7:00 pm.
Our spring programs begin in April and run once a week for eight or nine consecutive weeks. Most of our programs are 1-hour sessions and are either based out of Burnaby Winter Club or Planet Ice Coquitlam. Registration opens in mid-January. We offer skill-specific programs, including Stride & Edge Clinic; Dekes & Dangles Clinic; and Battle & Compete Clinic. As well, we run Little Rascals, Adult Skills, Body Checking, and 4 on 4 Pond Hockey. These are great development sessions that complement your in-season team training. We offer a few different times for each program to help work around your minor hockey schedule. In addition, we run three spring tournaments: BC Mayhem, Pacific Spring Showcase, and BC Spring Classic. Please scroll down for more information and to register.
Space is limited and these programs will fill fast. If the program you would like is full, please email us to be added to the waitlist. We are adding new programs regularly.
During our Battle & Compete Program, players will be working through situations that are transferable to game play. Each ice time, we will be working through drills that force players to be adaptive in their thought process from both sides of the puck. Body, stick, and puck placement play a critical role in forced outcomes of game situations. This clinic is suitable for all player positions and is recommended for those looking to understand the offensive and defensive perspective in a multitude of game situations.
The Dekes & Dangles Clinic is one of our most popular development programs. Players are challenged to execute lateral moves, change of speed, creativity, and to develop greater confidence with the puck on their hockey stick. This program is going to help players create more offensive plays and benefit players in games by having the puck on their stick around the net more often. We will spend a great deal of time teaching skills such as skating at full speed with the puck, attacking defenders, and understanding how to evade a check, protect the puck, or execute moves.
The Dekes & Dangles Clinic is one of our most popular development programs.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
The 4 on 4 Pond Hockey is a fun-oriented scrimmage. This fast-action hockey game with limited faceoffs is played on a ¾-sized ice sheet. Players are encouraged to pass the puck in a "give and go" environment. There’s no pressure for this game, just plenty of fun!
***This program is currently full.
The Body Checking Clinic is geared toward players trying out for full contact Bantam rep the following season. All aspects of body checking are instructed, with a safety-first approach to taking and giving a hit. Players should be at a rep level. Throughout the clinic, players will be separated based on skill, and matched in drills with other players of similar size and ability.
The Body Checking Clinic is geared toward players trying out for full contact Bantam rep the following season.
The Body Checking Clinic is geared toward players trying out for full contact Bantam rep the following season.
The Adult Skills program is for adults interested in recreational hockey or those seeking to improve their hockey skills. Players will be divided into groupings based on skill level, from beginner to advanced. Participants are given challenging yet realistic drills and there is a great atmosphere on the ice that helps to improve everyone’s skills as the program progresses. The program curriculum includes all hockey skills, such as shooting, passing, stickhandling, and skating. This program runs on Sunday nights, with two to three coaches on the ice, depending on the size of the class. It's the perfect opportunity to strengthen both your hockey game and fitness level.
The Adult Skills program is for adults interested in recreational hockey or those seeking to improve their hockey skills.
The Stride & Edge Clinic offers an opportunity for the minor hockey player to improve their skating skills on a weekly basis. Through correction and repetition, this program provides comprehensive instruction on all aspects of skating. From basic skating posture and stride efficiency to lateral quickness and acceleration, this clinic will address all techniques that are required to play the game of hockey.
Our power skating programs are our most popular programs and always sell out fast. Register early to avoid disappointment!
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
Our Spring Little Rascals Learn to Play Hockey Program is the largest Learn to Play Hockey Program in Western Canada. The Little Rascals program features a fun environment where kids are challenged with games and drills according to their rascal grouping. The players are placed in smaller groups on the ice with kids of a similar skill level so that everyone gains confidence and can interact with each other at a similar level.
Not only do kids grow their hockey skills, but they also make tons of new friends, develop their social skills, grow confidence, and, of course, have a ton of fun. The program runs on Saturdays in the spring and there are no early morning ice times or inconvenient hours. So what are you waiting for? We hope to see you out on the ice this spring. Little Rascals 2 – New to Hockey With More Experience in Skating Lessons Little Rascals 3 – Returning Rascal Hockey Player or Equivalent Experience Little Rascals 4 – Returning Rascal Player Comfortable With Puck Control Little Rascals 5 – Returning Rascal Player Very Comfortable With Puck Control
Little Rascals 1 – Brand New to Hockey With 2 Levels of Skating Lessons
*Full hockey gear is required.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.
***This program is currently full.